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Animal Crossing New Horizons Book Tag


While I wasn’t tagged to do this, I saw it over on BooksNest and considering I have been religiously playing Animal Crossing New Horizons every day, I wanted to give it a go myself. This tag was created by Angharad and Becky at Two Book Thieves.

Past Villager – Who is a character you found when you were younger that still has a place in your heart?

Billy from Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls. When I was a kid, and still to this day, all I ever wanted was a dog. And this character just reflected that. He saved up all his money and ended up getting two dogs: Little Ann and Old Dan. Billy ends up teaching them to hunt in the hills of the Ozarks, and end up being really good with a combination of Little Ann’s brains and Old Dan’s sheer will. Of course it’s a book with dogs so the ending is tear jerking, but I still love it. Plus, it was one of the few books I read before the age of thirteen that I actually enjoyed. There weren’t a lot of books before then that managed to do that. So, for that reason I’m picking that as my past villager.

Blather’s Blatherings – Recommend a historical fiction book that you think everybody should read.

I don’t read a lot of historical fiction being honest, but I will always recommend Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (also commonly called Alice in Wonderland). It’s a mixture of fantasy and logic, that any age group can fine interesting. Things that may have been missed as a child, stand out as an adult. Similar to watching Disney movies years later, somethings you just don’t notice at a younger age that you do when you get older.

Celeste’s Wish – What is a future book release you wish you could read now?

Not aware of any future book releases specifically, but I am really excited to read The Last Hours series from Cassandra Clare. Only the first book in the series has been released, so I guess you could say the rest in the series but I need to read the first one first.

Timmy and Tommy – What is your favourite sibling relationship in a book?

Granted they aren’t actually siblings but I love Jem Carstairs and Will Herondale, with Alec and Izzy Lightwood falling in close second from the Shadowhunters Chronicles. I love how they are very supportive of each other, and have each other’s back.

The Easter Bunny – A popular book character that you’re not a big fan of.

Jacob Black from the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer, because he’s that stereotypical “good guy” and he imprints on a newborn in the final book then claims that makes up for everything he did in the previous books. As if that makes it worth it. No, that’s horrible and disgusting.

Nook’s Loans – An author you’d give all your money to.

Cassandra Clare, I have gotten almost every single book in her Shadowhunters Chronicles as I just love that world. I haven’t gotten all of the side stories or ones that were co-written by others. But the main series, I have every book. It takes up the most space on my shelves, and I’m not mad about that either.

The Sisters Able – What is your favourite fictional family (found or otherwise)?

I love the Pevensie family from The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. They have their typical sibling quarrels, but in the end are there for each other. As you go through the books, you get to see them grow up (multiple times) so you get attached to them.

It’s a C+ – What is a book trope that you don’t like that keeps popping up?

Cheating, I can’t stand cheating. This is just something a lot of people use to advance the plot or cause conflict, when it doesn’t need to be. If you’re in a relationship, and it’s not working out break up. Do not cheat on your partner. I hate it even more when people idolize those relationships, and say it’s something to look up to. Why? Why would you want that?

The Wedding Camel – What is your favourite book set in a land far away from yours?

I love The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. Though the characters are from London, the stories take place in another realm called Narnia where there are talking animals, mystical creatures, and magic. Plus, you could spend years in Narnia then step back into the real world as if no time had passed at all.

What Would Dodos Do? – A fictional land you wish you could fly away to at any moment?

Take me to Hogwarts, so I could do magic and be in Ravenclaw. I love Harry Potter though I would probably prefer to attend the wizarding school while he’s not there. Probably would have a better schooling experience, then again most of the things in those tales were isolated to him not the rest of the student body.

I tag anyone who loves Animal Crossing and wants to do this tag! 

Love ya,

Mae Polzine

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