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The Pop Culture Download #5: The Dark Artifices – Queen of Air and Darkness


I’m still without internet of my own, though I did manage to find a hotspot that I can use enough to hop onto momentarily to write up some blog posts. It’s not good enough to watch YouTube, stream movies, or any of that kind of thing. I should be getting it shortly after this post goes live, and I’m beyond ready to get back into blogging and filming YouTube videos. Luckily this break has allowed me to transform my apartment, I’m just about done for the meantime in putting it together so I’ll have more apartment diary posts coming out soon.


I have finished The Dark Artifices series by Cassandra Clare this week. I really loved the series and that the epilogue was from the perspectives of Jace and Clary with their engagement. I have a feeling there will be another series in the timeline that comes after this, but that might not be for years to come since Cassandra Clare is working on a sequel to the prequel at the moment that has yet to be released. I’m insanely curious how they will deal with the separation of the Shadowhunters between the Clave-in-Exile that operates outside of Idris and the Cohort that operates only in Idris. As well as who the story will be told from the perspective of. Will it be a mixture of the LA crew and NY crew, or another family in the Shadowhunters universe. I have a feeling it would be the NY crew since Alec is the consul and building the new Clave/Alliance, so it would make sense if it revolved around them. Especially since there was another clip of Thule Jace wanting Clary since their version of Clary died. But that’s probably years away.

Since I have not read the prequel series The Infernal Devices I will be moving onto that next. Then I’ll be done with the series until the sequel to that series The Last Hours comes out next year. Though I cannot say I won’t re-read any of the books again as I probably will at some point. But I will be taking a break to actually start working on the other books in my collection that I have not gotten to.

Love ya,

Mae Polzine

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